streaming of protocol data from PGY-UHS II Protocol Analyzer to host system (using USB3.0 or GbE interface). Comprehensive decoding of data, protocol tests, and error analysis enables veri cation of communication between UHS II host and device.
PGY-UHS II Protocol Analyzer allows Design and Test Engineers to test and debug SD UHS-II Interface triggering on command, response, data or CRC errors. PGY-UHS II Protocol analyzer instantaneously provides decoding of CCMD, DCMD, MSG, DATA and its arguments. The Analytics feature offer graphical representation of command, response, and data and frequency of operation for the acquired duration.
The product features are as follows:
-Continuous monitoring and streaming of protocol data to capture elusive events (more than 30GB data capture)
-Protocol tests of captured data for protocol integrity, DCMD, CCMD, MSG and DATA
-Instantaneous display Protocol activity while he PGY-UHS II is capturing the Protocol data allowing almost live analysis of protocol activity
-Hardware based protocol aware trigger capability enables capturing specic events
-Trigger on CRC error conditions allow capturing infrequent error events
-User can identify the anomalies by decoding command and response argument
-Analytics provides analysis of acquired protocol data by plotting command, response, data and frequency of operation over acquired time
-Decoding of device registers for easy analysis
-Filter feature allows you to view speci c packets in decoded protocol packets
-Search for speci c events in protocol activity
-Easy to use software user interfaces reduces the learning curve of protocol analysis
-Software is designed to handle long duration capture and display the decoded data without demanding extensive resources in host computer
-Insertion of markers in protocol activity helps in correlating the input digital signal with Protocol Activity
-Trigger out signal for any speci c protocol event allows triggering of other instruments such as oscilloscope
-Interface to host system using USB3.0 or Gigabit Ethernet interface
-Flexibility to upgrade the hardware rmware using GbE interface provides easy eld up gradation of firmware
-Decoded data packets can be exported to CSV le for further analysis