Prodigy PGY-I3C-PD-NL software decodificatore di protocollo Node Locked ( per Tektronix Windows Oscilloscope )
I3C Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software offers electrical measurements compliance testing and protocol decoding as specified in I3C specification. PGY-I3C Electrical validation and Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope provides electrical measurements and protocol decode at click of button. This allows engineers quickly check for I3C compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this engineer can decode the command and response of I3C debug the communication. PGY-I3C takes advantage of digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of I3C data lines.
The product features are as follows:
- I3C protocol Analysis using oscilloscope live channel data or stored I3C signals
- Powerful I3C real-time protocol aware hardware based trigger capabilities
- Displays the decoded data in I3C frame format, SDR, DDR, TSL and TSP format
- Links protocol decoded packet to waveform in oscilloscope display
- Error status check as defined in I3C specification
- Protocol view provides bit level decoding of each I3C packet
- Detail view correlates physical layer waveform with I3C packet data
- Ability to process long acquisition memory enables the decoding of more protocol activities
- Search capabilities to locate protocol event
- Filter capabilities to view information of Interest
- Documentation by exporting data in CSV and TXT file format
- Report Generation